The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)

8 AN A FE AliL NEW VOL. 27. SANTA FE, N. Fill DAY, MAY 2. 1890.

NO. (51 S- SP I rX' lZx Gold and Silver FINE FILIGREE JEWELRY Diamonds, Watches, Clocks and Silverware. Telegraphic Tidings BDSY DELEGATION. Representation Bud' Hi ttoode. Nlar ami Pact'iry, Next dour Seeond Sallou 1 Brink Diaiii Settintt ani Watch Repine Promptly and HcMj Done o5 The City iVIeat Market ESTABLISHED IN 1869 AUGUST KERSCHNER, Propr.

DKAXBK IX AIX KINDS Fresh and Salt Meats an Sausage of all Kinds SAN FRANCISCO SI NT A FE. N. FISCHER BREWING CO. minwioivMBi Strictly Pure Lager Beer! aad the FINEST MINERAL WATERS JOHN GRAY, Real Estate Agent Fire, Life and Accident Insurance, Collection of Kant and NOTAKV PUBLIC. TYPEWRITER.


ORIS WOLD CARTWRIGHT GRISWOLD, DEALER" Fie Sliiile il Fij Gnu We are Manufacturer' Agent for the well known Dbw Drop liraiifl Cannetl Fruit YegBtaWes Also amenta in Santa Fe for "OUR BEST" Flour, the ttaet)t flout' in tlie market. We beep in stock the world renowned PEA BODY CREAMERY BUTTER, Fresh Fruit, Confectionery, Nuts, etc. A First Class Bakery in Connection with the Store. ome Powder Co, ManafuHiireri of all grades of taUb. explosives.

Goods always fresh. We sell In i lfW Krg.Colo. office 145! ARAPIIOE WNA Elt. COi.U. Br Colorado maimfacturers you insure Colorado', prosperity.

Telephone 120. 1858 i8o STAAB3 latr-ouraui mjio jobbek or Genera 1 Merchand lse 8AW FRANCISCO STREET, Largest and Most Complete Stock of Oeuer.ti i ciiaadtse Carried in the Entire Southwest. QAJSTXJl. FE, MBX A Systematic- Boutine of Work Laid Out by the Delegates for Mr. Joseph at Washington.

Committees Appointed to Present Various Claims of New MexicoThe Outlook Encouraging. the New Mexico HaADQt ARTKKH, No. 1112 New York Avenue Washington, April 28. 1890 Sectal Correspondence to the New Mexican. THKY ATTlSND CHl'KCU.

The New Mexico delegates all weot to church yesterday and showed up at head-quarters fresh as mountain daisies at 0 oVlock this morning. Geo. F. Patrick, of Silver City, C. H.

Gildersleeve, Gen. Cowman, Col. Smith and (Jen. Williamson joined the colony last niiht. PUBLIC PAKK.

At to-day's meeting Mr. Joseph pre sented a letter from Mr. Cooper, of the up per i'ecos, calling attention to the fact hut sections 17 and 18 iu the proposed nation al park were old settled agricultural dis tricts, the homes of uiauy good citizens and not at all suitable for park purposes. Mr. Cooper suggested that the region north of section 17 and 18 was very beautiful and specially desirable for park purposes and quite enough to permit these two sections to be dropped out.

The meeting appointed Col. T. B. Mills, Mr. L.

A. Hughes and W. U. wriglev to re port on a modification of the park bill as to these sections. Capt.

Richard Dunn wrote Gov. Prince from Chicago that he'd be there in three days. REPORT OF WORK TO BE DONE. Gov. Prince and Delegate Joseph pre sented a report assigning the work to be done to various committees as follows Resolved, As soon as the bill reported by the house committee providing for a land grant court is printed, the cougres-si'mal delegate is requested to obtain copies for this delegation, and to endeavor to arrange with Edmunds iOr a consultation between himself and the delegation.

A committee of five shall be appointed to examine said biil and after its conmd ration bv the delegation, to formulate such amendments, if any, as it may seeni desirable to present to either house or to the committee of conference CESSION OF SCHOOL LANDS. The congressional delegate is requested to introduce a bill for the immediate cession of school and agricultural lands, and on its reference to obtain a hearing by the committee having it in charge, the object being to prepare for the early report of such a bill if the prospect for immediate statehood fails. A committee shall be appointed to examine all irrigation bills and ascertain their situation in congress, and report thereon to the delegation also to consider what provisions are specially necessary for New Mexico, and wether it will be well to ask for national aid to private enterprises by the cession of right of way through public lands, or for a grant to the future state of arid lands in lieu of the swamp lauds donated heretofore to other states. THE PAKK QUESTION. That the congressional delegate be requested to obtain as early a hearing as possible before the proper committee on the bill to establish a national park.

That a committee of six, to include the congressional delegate and the governor, be appointed to consider the subject of statetiood as the surest method of attaining several of the ends sought by the reno-olution of the bureau of immigration, with a view to arranging for united action on that subject if possible. That the action of the delegation as such be confined to the above subjects, under the resolutions aforesaid but that members are at liberty to present their views to committees and others on different subjects as individual citizens of New Mexico, and that the congressional delegate be requested to facilitate such action as far as be conveniently can do so. PRESIDENT'S RECEPTION. That the governor be requested to arrange for the reception of the delegation by the president and such executive departments as are connected with its objects. The shove report was unanimously adopted and the following COMMITTEES NAMED National Park Wrigley, Hughes.

Land Grants Spencer, Bond, Alarid, Victory, Cross. School Lands Axtell, Bahney, Patrick. Irrigation Utter, Coon, Marmon, L. W. Smith.

Alien Act Gildersleeve, Williamson, Smith, Alarid, Marmon. Statehood Joseph, Gildersleeve, Stover, Trimble, Booth. SILVER QUESTION DISCUSSED. The question of silver and lead was informally dircuused and Mr. Joseph said he was laboring for free coinage of the former and a duty of 1 cents per pound on Mexico lead ores; He had received numerous petitionson these subjects from New Mexico and had presented them to the proper committees.

An invitation from the National Silver asociutiou to visit itn headquarters was received through Mr. Utter. ADDITIONAL ASSOCIATE. JUSTICE. Information as to the stains of addi tional associate justice was given by Mr.

Joseph, mho said the measure would undoubtedly pass. Senator Edmunds has practical charge of it iu the senate, and has introduced the bill in that house, which the committee has agreed to report upon favorablv. After a general talk on other subjects of moment to New Mexico, but without imal action, the meeting adjourned till a. Tuesday, when final arrangements for raiding the various congressional committees will be perfected. WASHINGTON MATTERS.

WITHDRAWAL FROM ENTRY. Washington, May 2. The secretary of the interior was to-day questioned as to the truth ot statements recently made that he was about to order the withdrawal from entry of all lauds in the arid regions uuder the act of October 2, 1888. The t-ecretary stated in reply that those statements which he had heard were erroneous, but as tiie act in question by its terms was apparently very broad in its provisions for withdrawal, and as the question had recently been raised in the general land office, be had referred it to the attorney general for a true legal construction as to exactly what lauds were intended to be withdrawn from entry. When this opinion of the attorney general was received the practice of the depart ment would be made to conform to the lepul effect of the act of October 2, 1888, und nothing elBe.

SILVER BILL. There is some expectation that the silver bill will come up in the house to-morrow under a report to be made from the committee on rules. It will probably occupy the attention of the house for at least two days. assistant postmaster general. It is not thought that there is anv foundation for the statement telegraphed frou Pittsburg that jYseph 8.

AlcKean, the postmaster in that city, is to succeed irst Assistant Postmaster General Clark-son. Mckean has proved to be an elli-cient postmaster and is regarded as the right man iu the right place. It is said the interest of the administration would he advanced by him remaining where he is. PUBLIC BUILDING. The house committee on public buildings and grounds, at their meeting this morning, agreed to make a favorable report upon the senate bill appropriate trlUO.UUO for the erectiou of a public building at Leadville.

DAY OF STRIKES. TERRITORIAL TIPS. Thousands of Mm Thrown Out of Em-ploymeut Eight Movement. Cuicaoo, May 1. It now appears that the number of strikers here will not be nearly so numerous as was anticipated.

The procession started shortly after noon with hands, and banners with appropriate mottoes. It is estimated that men we in the line, which was four miles long. No disturbance as reported any- wnere in rne city or sunuros. Boston. The strike of the ca.penters tor an eight nour uay was inaugurated this morning.

Eighteen thousand men are out. It is estimated that 2,001) have beeu granted eight hours. Detroit. Two thousand carpenters are out in this city. The strike is expected to be short lived, however, as the principal contractois are conceding the men's demands.

Philadelphia. The carpenters struck this morning. They demand nine hours at 35 cents. Six master carpenters, employing 200 men, have conceded tne demands of their men. Kansas City.

There are no prospects of the occurrence of any strikes, and no May day demonstration was attempted. St. Louis Fully 25,000 men were in line in the great labor demonstration uuder the auspices of the American Federation of Labor. It is believed that the demonstration will be followed by a strike in one or more of the building trades. Loudon.

Five hundred disorderly men gathered on the Thames embankment, seriously bent on making a demonstration. Twenty-five hundred police were on hand, however, and the mob was cowed. Viena. No afternoon papers will be issued, as the printers are all taking part iu the May day fetes. The strikes iu the provinces are spreading.

It is calculated that throughout Austria and Hungary 1,000,000 men have already struck or threaten to strike. Knoxville, Tenn. All of the carpenters, roth union and non-union, are out on a strike for eigiit hours work with ten hours per day. Omana. -No strike has occurred here, and none are contemplated.

Ottawa. The bricklayers, stone masons and stone cutters to the" number of 1,500 are on a strike for eight hours work at ten hours pay. Lisbon. The day is being observed with extreme quietness by the working-men in this city. Grand Kapids.

All the union wood carvers are out. The manufacturers claim tbHt they will be able to fill their places. The labor demonstration here was marred by bloodshed. The soldiers appeared with fixed bayonets and the mob was ordered to disperse. Upon their refusal to do so the troops charged the crowd, which broke and fled In air directions.

Many rioters ere pierced by bayonets. Old papers, clean and hole, for wrapping purposes, A number of cases of small pox are re ported in the vicinity ol Kociada. The population of the Mescalero Indian reservation situated in Uona Aim and Lincoln counties now amounts to 473. Frank B. Steward, a switchman who skipped out from Albuquerque, leaving a number of creditors in the lurch, was captured while passiug through that city en route to Culiiornia.

Charlie Hussell died Tuesday evening at Cabra springs, after a week illness, lie was about, A2 years of age and has beeu In this country about two came hero from Corsicana, Texas. Meailla valley note: J. W. Dawson is preparing to cut his first crop of alfalfa this week. So far this is the hrst cutting reported iu the Mesilla valley this season.

Within a few days the mowers will be clicking overall our alfalfa fields. President Whitney, of the Bonanza Development company, is said to be on his way east. Inference istliut the improved state of the copper muiirot may result iu tiie sale ol the Sunt jutn property, winch came near being accomp ished before the collapse of the trench syndicate. The weather in northern Santa Fe county around Espanola is still humid, with daily showers. The ground is in belter coudition for crops than it lias b.

en for ten years. There is a tine promise for a fruit crop as ell as an immense crop of grain and vegetables in this and the Taos valley. W. W. Cox, of Dona Ana county, made a large shipment of muttons to Kansas City recently.

His sheep sold readily on that market for $4.00 a head all around. He has since contracted to sell all the sheep that lie wants to dispose of to the same people who bought his first shipment, at equally good prices. A U. S. marshal has been telling the Salt Lake Times that the country around where the corners of New Mexico, Arizona, Utah and Colorado come together is a very touh place and is iuhabited by all sorts of criminals.

The marshal says it is a perfect nest of ouilaws. It is to this region that the Telluride bank rob hers probably went after their bold ex ploit of over a year ao, as they were traced in that direction and never heard of afterward. The locatiun is a remote one ami ditlicult of access, and that it should bo an excellent hiding place lor criminals can well be imagined. Silver, Lead and Copper Silver has been the pivot of the commercial excitement this week, and it bids fair to start up a new era in business, t'rices advanced from DO to 105'i purely on the expectation of ongiessional action. The caucus committee of the house and senate have dratted a compromise bill which orders the secretary to buy ounces of silver per month at a price not to exceed if 1 for 371 grains.

against which notes are to be issued from $1 to $1,000 in value, which can he re- leemed on demand in lawful money of the United States. Lead has been decidedly stronger, with sales at the producing points of aliout tons, running up at St. Louis to 3.80, at Chicago to 3.85 and New York to 4.05. The business was fairly well distributed, tmt a large portion of it was chemical lead. Tiie advance was caused in part by the fact that New York has been rather a de pressed point, and rallied to the price level of other points.

In. addition the silver boom helped matterft and still further, the growing chances for a lax on lead in silver ore confirms the belief in higher figures. Loudon has been steady at 12.15. The copper market appears to gain strength with every week. The bankers' stock has now become so much reduced that they decline to sell or even to encourage any bids below 14 60.

Of the casting brands fully 1,000,000 pounds were sold at various prices ranging from 12 50 to 13.50. About pounds lake have been sold at 14.40 to 14.50, and il is reported that more were sold for three months delivery at 14.25, A flight of fancy is the product of a soar head. Binghamton Republican. PALACE HOTEL ARCHITECT aodCOITBACTOB ANTONIO WINDSOR. CLOSE FIGURING! MODERN METHODS! SKILLED MECHANICS! l'lan and Specifications furnished on ap plication, orrespoimence soucuea.

omen, Lower Krisco Htmjt. Santa Fe, N. M. SUBSCRIBE FOR Fearless, free, consistent TT la its editorial opin- 3 2 SC a ions, hampered by no tie. A a I a Bec1ally XX devoted to the Fgrow iug interests of the rich and promising vv I 1 gl 5.

aft is in First Class. Santa Fe, RUMSEY BURNHAM. New Mexico coming state of New Mexico, EVERYBODY WANTS IT. IM Wagner Haffner, DEaXERS IK Queensware and Glassware. PICTURE FRAMES AND MOULDINGS.

carry the Largest and Best Assortment of Furniture iu the Territory. ONt PH'CE AND ONE ONLY. AUo the lowest, aa wm bar for dlrtw rroMi tu factory. Uoudssold uneasy payment. Call and re conduced.


PALEN, Cashier The Second National Bank OP NEW MEXICO. OjPITL FJTJJ TJP $150,000 Doe. a general nankin bnalne. and solicit patrona( of th. pnbUe.

L. SPIEGELBERft. Pres. W. Q.

SIMMONS. Cashier DOZLSTT IBIE CXxAtl BUT GO TO THK BonToiiRestaurant AND SHORT ORDER CHOP HOUSE. Fresh Oyster, Flab, Oame and Poultry of all kind a aperlalty. Opfa Oay id Mght. The Hest Cook.

In the City, and obliging The table will he supplied with the beat the market, afford. Nice furnished rooms, Uilltard Hall and Wine l'arlnr. liicmunctHn with Kaetaaran. Ha supplied with the Best Wines, Liquor and Clears. JOHN CONWAY, Proprietor W.

N. EMMERT, Staple and Fancy Groceries San Francisco S. W. Cor. Plaza, SANTA FE, N.

N. SOL LOWITZKI SONS hare removed their Livery and Feed Stables to Now and Oomraodloas staad en Lower San Francisco Street. The bent stock of Horses and Carriages In the town. Haoka and OmnibnsHes promptly furnished, day and night, for tiaius and private use. A SUMMER RESORT! GO TO THE PICTURESQUE PECOS VALLEY.

I have opened a Comfortable Hostelrle so the Upper Peeos, near Cooper' whor* tourists and the citliens of New Moilco will hare every aoeomodattoa while onjoyiug an outing In thl delightful spot. Dally Stage to and from Glorlota on the T. ft S. T. IP.

IFOWEIRS, GLOKIETA, X. M. MEXICO THE COIVLHSTO- COXJnSTTRlT The Valle its Garden Spot! "TEN E3jSTOXJG-SS. hole IrrlaTAted LnuU ud Uuimprovw attractive platted; for sale; on Ion? time with low interest. WARRANTY DRKD8 G'TESi.

Write for Uluiitrated folder glTlnff full particulars J. LIVINGSTON General Agent RIO GRANDE LAND COMPANY. Las Cruces. EU..

The Santa Fe New Mexican from Santa Fe, New Mexico (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

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