Valtan Gate 2 Legion Raid Guide - Lost Ark (2024)

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Legion Raids

Valtan Gate 2 Legion Raid Guide

Last Updated: May 16th 2023

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Valtan Gate 2 Introduction

Valtan Phase 2 is a TIER 3 Legion Raid and you need to be at least 1415 (Normal) or 1445 (Hard) Item Level to enter this Raid. This dungeon drops Tier 3 Accessories, Ability Stones, Engraving Books, Cards and materials to craft the sets listed below.

  • Demon Beast Strength One-Handed Sword
  • Betrayal Instinct One-Handed Sword
  • Charming Instinct One-Handed Sword
  • Destructive Grasp One-Handed Sword
  • Dominion Fang One-Handed Sword
  • Earth's Entropy One-Handed Sword
  • Covetous Whisper One-Handed Sword
  • Nightmare Flower One-Handed Sword
  • Poem of Salvation One-Handed Sword
  • Shrieking Hallucination One-Handed Sword
  • Swamp of Yearning One-Handed Sword

For more set related information, check out the Gear Set Guide.

After clearing the dungeon, you can pay gold to get additional loot. The recommended Combat Items are HP Potion, Time Stop Potion, Flame Grenade, Corrosive Bomb or Destruction Bomb.

This is the first Legion Raid which allows the usage of Sidereal skills to deal additional damage or to provide protection. On top of that, you can claim the Phase 1 rewards after clearing and continue at a later time with Phase 2 and new party members. Since this is the first Legion Raid, you have to put in more effort and coordination to survive.

Disclaimer: In this guide, we will only focus on the important core & general patterns of the boss. Basic attacks of him, which are easy to predict or deal low damage, won't be explained in detail.

It is important to make sure that everyone in the raid group is aware of the boss and coop mechanics. Additionally, item level is not as significant as having good Engravings and Combat Stat distribution as these provide the most damage increase which shorten the duration of the battle. A shorter battle leads to less damage taken and less consumable used.

This guide assumes that you are familiar with the recommended Raid Build for your class.

Patterns Overview

  • x160 HP = Armor Break Phase
  • x130 HP = Wipe Pattern (Sidereal: Balthorr)
  • x110 HP = Pillar Hug
  • x85-80 HP = Stage Break + Pillar Hug
  • x65 HP = Counter Attack
  • x35-30 HP = Stage Break + Pillar Hug
  • x17-15 HP = Ghost Transition (Sidereal: Balthorr)
  • x40 HP = Ghost Phase + Counter (Sidereal: Thirian)

Once you have read through the detailed description of the main patterns, use the “cheat sheet” during the raid, or check out our condensed Cheat Sheet Collection for all Legion Raids on one page.

Main Patterns



In each Legion Raid, once the bar on the top left is full, the raid lead has can activate the Sidereal skills to summon powerful allies. The bar fills up over time or gets a boost after specific patterns and interactions, like a Counter Attack. Using the Sidereal skills at the proper time can be a game changer.

If the raid lead dies, you can pass the party lead to another member to grant that person the access to use the Sidereal skills.




Hotkey: CTRL+Z

Deals the highest Damage out of all 3 Sidereal skills. Often, this is the best skill to use if the entire raid can handle the main patterns without the aid of the other 2 Sidereal skills.

Hotkey: CTRL+X

Deals the highest Stagger Damage out of all 3 Sidereal skills. Use this skill during the Orb Phase main pattern if your raid has difficulties to consume the orbs in the correct order or lacks Stagger Damage.

Hotkey: CTRL+C

Provides a 30-second Damage Reduction and Push-Immunity buff to everyone who was standing in the circle summoned by the raid lead. Use this skill to survive difficult one shot patterns, if your raid has difficulties to do it the proper way.

Armor Break Phase

Valtan starts the fight with 2 armor stacks, which needs to be broken before he reaches x130 HP and starts the Wipe Pattern. To break his armor, the raid needs to deal a certain amount of Weak Point Damage. After you force Valtan to charge into a wall, which incapacitates him for a brief moment, you can use Combat Items and skills with Weak Point Damage affix to destroy his armor. The charge animation is easy to predict, Valtan targets a random player and stomps 3 times with his fist on the ground before charging towards his target.

To be more efficient, I recommend that one player throws a Corrosive Bomb as soon as Valtan starts the charging animation. The other 7 players should wait until Valtan is incapacitated, to throw a Destruction Bomb at him.

Below, you can see an overview of the attack pattern of Valtan during the Armor Break Phase. In general, you should try to destroy the 4 towers highlighted in the picture below with the help of Valtan. This is needed to create more space for the Anchor pattern and is an important element for the Wipe Pattern at x130 HP. There is no particular order to destroy the towers, but I will guide you through the process by using the order shown below.

  1. Right at the start of the battle, move and group up immediately at the tower number 1. Valtan will Charge after a short delay towards the tower, destroys it and gets incapacitated. If you follow the above-mentioned instruction to destroy the armor properly, his first layer of armor should break before he recovers.
  2. As soon as he starts to recover, group up at tower 2 and wait for him to perform the Jump & Spin pattern and dodge away. This should destroy the tower 2.
  3. There is no time to rest, since Valtan will follow up immediately with his 2nd Charge, for which everyone needs to group up in front of tower 3. Once he charges and destroys the tower, he will be incapacitated again. Use this opportunity to deal as much Weak Point Damage as possible.
  4. As soon as he recovers, he will use the Triple Axe Swing pattern followed by the Anchor pattern. For the Triple Axe Swing pattern, simply stay close and in front of Valtan. Survive the Anchor pattern by running a small circle to dodge the 8 projectiles, afterwards move immediately to the edge of the arena to survive the follow-up AoE. Use Time Stop Potion, in case you can't reach the edge of the arena on time.
  5. At the end of the Anchor pattern, Valtan will land back in the center of the arena and start, after a brief moment to prepare for his 3rd Charge attack for which everyone needs to group up at tower 4. If you follow the above-mentioned instruction to destroy the armor properly, his second and last layer of armor should break before he recovers. From that point on, simply deal damage to reach x130 HP to trigger the next main pattern.

Wipe Pattern

Once Valtan reaches x130 HP, he starts to prepare a combo attack consisting of 2 axe strikes towards the ground. The 2nd strike can one shot players if they don't fulfil certain requirements. To survive this patter, you can choose one of the 2 methods below.

Method 1: The easiest way to survive this pattern is to simply use the Sidereal: Balthorr as a raid lead and provide everyone with the buff needed to prevent getting 1 shotted. Make sure to ping the location where you want to summon Balthorr, since a player needs to be in that summoning circle for a brief moment to get the buff.

Method 2: A method only used in Hell Mode, which makes use of the blue orbs dropped by each of the destroyed towers during the Armor Break Phase. Since each tower drops 2 blue orbs, every player can take a blue orb, which protects him from the 2nd strike of this pattern. But be aware to not get hit by the first strike, since it removes the protection of the blue orb on hit. The benefit of choosing this method is, that you can use Sidereal: Thirain instead of Balthorr to deal additional damage.

Pillar Hug

Around x110 HP, Valtan summons 1 pillar at each ordinal direction and leaps into the sky. After a short delay, a huge yellow zone and a small cone-shaped red zone appear. The red zone locks on to a random player and follows his movements for a few seconds. Afterwards, Valtan lands in the center of the arena and deals damage. The damage from the yellow zone can be avoided by standing behind a pillar. If you are the player targeted by the red zone, make sure to not point it towards a pillar. Place it right between 2 pillars and “wiggle” around until it stops tracing you. Once that is the case, either try to get fast behind a pillar in the yellow zone or simply move away from the red zone and use Time Stop Potion.

A similar pattern is repeated once Valtan is back on the ground, but this time without a yellow zone. This means, besides from the targeted player, everyone else can use this opportunity to deal uninterrupted damage. As for the targeted player, simply dodging out of the red zone once it stops chasing you is enough to survive this pattern.

But be aware, a pillar hit by the red zone explodes within seconds and deals high damage. After the 2nd red zone, all remaining pillars explode, so stay away from them.

Stage Break + Pillar Hug

At around x80-85 HP, Valtan leaps into the sky and returns to the ground after a short delay to destroy either the outer left or right ring of the arena. A red telegraph indicated the part which will be destroyed by Valtan. So make sure to group up in the center and move towards the opposite side as soon as you see the red telegraph.

After destroying a part of the arena, Valtan spins back to the center and summons 4 pillars. After a short delay, he roars and deals high damage to everyone who is not standing behind a pillar.

From this point on, the difficulty increases. Now you can fall off the ledge and die, if you get pushed by Valtan's attacks. So play safe and stay away from the broken part of the arena. Afterwards, he will once again target a player with a red zone. As the targeted player, you should try to point the red zone towards the broken part of the arena if possible. And similar to the last time, after the red zone disappears, make sure to avoid standing in the explosion radius of the pillars.

Counter Attack

At x65 HP, the Counter Attack pattern starts. Similar to most of the main patterns, Valtan leaps into the air and lands in the center of the arena. Afterwards, he stomps once on the ground and causes a delayed explosion below each player. To avoid taking unnecessary damage, group up a few steps away from the center, jump towards the boss as soon as he stomps on the ground.

After the stomp, group up immediately on the side of the platform that is not broken. He will turn towards the group and prepare a charge and grab attack. To interrupt it, start counting as soon as his “turn animation” stops and use your skills with Counter Attack affix on the 3rd second. If you fail to interrupt him, he will charge multiple times in a row and grab everyone in his path to follow up with a 1 shot skill.

Stage Break + Pillar Hug

At around x35-40 HP, Valtan once again leaps into the sky and returns to the ground after a short delay to destroy the remaining outer ring of the arena. Group up at the edge of the side, which already got its outer ring destroyed in the previous Stage Break + Pillar Hug pattern.

After destroying a part of the arena, Valtan spins back to the center and summons 4 pillars. After a short delay, he roars and deals high damage to everyone who is not standing behind a pillar.

From this point on, there is no wall to prevent you from getting pushed off the ledge. Afterwards, he will once again target a player with a red zone. And similar to the last time, after the red zone disappears, make sure to avoid standing in the explosion radius of the pillars.

Ghost Transition

This pattern starts at around x17-15 HP bar. Valtan charges into a portal and reappears back in the center with a slam attack towards the bottom side of the arena, so avoid standing on those positions. Afterwards, he performs a few attack patterns one after another in a fixed order listed below. Be aware, almost any hit can push you off the arena and kill you immediately.

  1. He strikes with his axe 4 times, once towards each of the cardinal direction and cause a cone-shaped shockwave towards that direction.
  2. Without any breaks, he will put down his axe and start to smash with his fists the ground below him, which summons multiple delayed explosions below each of the players. To avoid getting hit by the delayed explosions, group up and start running together at the edge of the arena, clockwise and/or counterclockwise.
  3. He smashes on the ground with both fists at the same time, causing an explosion in front of him, followed up by a shockwave. To avoid the shock wave, jump towards the initial explosion area.
  4. Yellow zone attack, avoid it by hiding behind one of the 3 pillars. Move afterwards towards the side without a pillar to avoid getting hit by the explosions.

After using all these attacks, Valtan changes into his ghost form and heals back to x40 HP.

There are 2 methods to survive the onslaught.

Method 1: The easiest way to survive this pattern is to group up on the left side of the arena, as soon Valtan initiate the pattern by disappearing into the portal. By doing so, you can force him to use the first of the four strikes towards the left. Dodge away from that side as soon as you see the telegraph and return to that place so that the raid lead can use Sidereal: Balthorr on the left side. With the protection of Balthorr, you can't get pushed down the ledge. But you should still try to avoid as much damage as possible from the 3 following attack patterns listed above.

Method 2: Do it the proper way by following the instructions in the list above. The benefit of choosing this method is, that you can use Sidereal: Thirain at the start of the Ghost Phase.

Ghost Phase

Valtan starts the Ghost mode with 4 armor stacks on Normal Mode and 6 on Hard Mode. To deal normal damage to him, you need to remove all the stacks by successfully countering the Ghost Clone Counter pattern.

After removing all armor stacks, use Sidereal: Thirian as soon as it is available to deal additional damage to the boss.

Focus during this phase more on dodging attacks and countering the clones. Dealing a decent amount of damage is more than enough to kill Valtan with the help of Sidereal: Thirian.

General Patterns

4 Orbs


After successfully clearing the x160 HP Armor Break Phase, the charge attacks of Valtan can be interrupted. To do so, use a Counter Attack skill shortly after the 2nd fist stomp towards the ground.


Valtan grabs and holds his axe on one hand in the air for a brief moment before slamming it into the ground. On impact, rocks in a cross shape pattern appear, which deal damage and push the player on hit. Safe spots are left and right side of the boss.

Jump & Cross

If Valtan leaps forward and summons on impact, rocks in a cross shape pattern, stay away from him. He will follow up with a backwards spin attack.

Triple Axe Slam

Valtan swings his axe 3 times and strikes the area in front, behind and in front of him again. On impact, a cone-shaped shockwave appears, dealing damage and pushing the player on hit.

Triple Axe Swing

This attack can be easily avoided by simply staying close and in front of the boss.

Quadruple Axe Slam

The boss locks on to a random player and strikes 3 times towards him, dealing damage around the axe impact area. The 4th strike strikes on the same area as the previous one, but deals more damage in a bigger area. Try to avoid leading the strikes towards party members.

Enhanced Axe Strike

Valtan Roars, holds his axe on one hand and prepares for a forward swing attack. Pay attention to the axe. If the axe has a lightning effect, stay away from the impact area. If it doesn't, stand in front of the boss.

Stagger Check

Valtan prepares for a devastating attack while being protected by a shield. Destroy the shield with your normal skills first. Once it is destroyed, use your skills with high Stagger Damage to interrupt the boss. But pay attention to the floor, if cracks appear on the ground, move away from them to avoid the follow-up pull attack.


This attack is slightly modified, if Valtan uses it after the Armor Break Phase. The major difference is, after throwing 3 projectiles, the boss returns to the ground, dealing damage in a small impact area but followed by a huge shockwave, which can be deadly if you are too close to a ledge. Avoid the shockwave by dodging to the area of initial impact.

Portal Charge

Valtan charges into a portal and summons multiple portals at random spots. He will use the portals to perform multiple charge attacks. A faint flowing line indicates his charging path. Stay away from ledges where you can fall off and use Time Stop Potion if needed.


Valtan imprisons 3 random players. The remaining players need to lift the imprisonment as soon as possible. After a short delay, the boss roars and deals damage to everyone if anyone is still imprisoned.

Grab & Roar

Valtan holds his hand in front of him and rushes towards the edge of the arena while grabbing everyone on his path. Once he reaches his destination, he turns around and roars, which hits everyone in a wide angle. Avoide getting grabbed and stay very close left or right of Valtan to avoid getting hit by the roar.

Counter & Silence

Valtan sends out a small shockwave around him and prepares for an attack while holding his axe in his right hand slightly behind him. Shortly before he unleashes the attack, a Counter Attack opportunity appears to interrupt it. This will be repeated 2 additional times. If you fail to interrupt his attack, everyone takes high damage.

Upon a successful counter, the boss silences the player, who countered and everyone close to him. So make sure to assign before the battle 3 people, each of who will attempt to interrupt one of the strikes. Assign the most reliable player to interrupt the last strike, since it deals the most amount of damage upon failure and can even wipe the entire raid. In most random groups, players will try to shield or heal through the damage of the first 2 strikes and try to interrupt the last one.

If that wasn't already enough, after the first strike or successful counter, some orbs will spawn close to random players, which explode on contact and send out shockwaves in frequent intervals. If triggered too close to Valtan, it can prevent the player close to Valtan from countering. So if you are not assigned to counter or if it is not your turn yet, stay far away from the boss.

4 Orbs

Valtan summons 1 orb at each cardinal direction, which send out shockwaves in frequent intervals. The players need to split and consume the orbs as fast as possible. At the same time, Valtan starts doing a counterable Charge attack. Make sure to have at least 1 player close to the boss, who tries to interrupt the Charge with a Counter Attack skill. After a few seconds, every unconsumed Orb explodes and deals high damage in a huge area.

Be aware, the players who consume a marble will take increased damage for a short period of time.

Counter Stance

Valtan grabs his axes with both hands and pulls it to the side and prepares for a counter-attack. Everyone should stop dealing damage and stay right below the hilt of his axe. If you succeed, the follow-up spin attack won't hit the players below the axe. If not, the boss will perform a spin attack which will hit everyone. This attack is especially deadly during the Ghost Phase, since it can push you off the arena.

Smash Shockwave

The boss smashes on the ground with both fists at the same time, causing an explosion in front of him, followed up by a shockwave. To avoid the shock wave, jump towards the initial explosion area.

Ghost Clone Counter

During the Ghost Phase, Valtan summons frequently ghost clones at the edge of the arena, which needs to be countered. If you counter-attack and interrupt the clones, you can remove one of the armor stacks on Valtan. Additionally, the Sidereal bar fills up for a considerable amount. If you fail to interrupt the attack on time, the clone uses the Cross attack, which can push the players off the arena.

Ghost Clone Charge

In frequent intervals, multiple pairs of portals spawn at the edge of the arena. After a short delay, a ghost clone of Valtan will charge from one portal to another while pushing down everyone on their path. So be especially careful, if you fight close to the ledge.

Ghost Grab

Valtan grabs nearby players and follows up with a roar attack. This attack has a high chance to kill the players who got grabbed or get hit by the roar attack. He uses this patter 3 times around x39, x27 and x14 HP bars.

Gameplay with Shot Calls


Written byPerciculum
Reviewed by Starlast

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